Some weeks ago the Polyglots team at WordPress approved a new locale for Angolan Portuguese (pt_AO). The Angolan WordPress community is just starting and the approval of their own locale it’s a trigger to help them grow. Until now they used the Portuguese locale (pt_PT) for their WordPress installs. Because they’re just starting, they just …
Category Archives: Wordpress development
WordCamp Europe 2017 em Paris – Vemo-nos por lá?
WordPress Plugin: Gallery Link Size Changer
The WordPress default galleries always link to the full image size which can be pretty annyoing because most users upload huge pictures. With this plugin you can set a default size for the galleries to link to. This can be thumbnail, medium, large or full. For now this a global setting for all galleries, but …
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WordPress Plugin: Simple Facebook Open Graph Tags
UPDATE 2013-11-15: This plugin’s development has moved to my company, Webdados. Any information on this page may be outdated. Please go to: the Facebook Open Graph Tags for WordPress plugin page. For personal use I’ve made a WordPress Plugin to include Facebook Open Graph Tags on the website/blog headers. If you find this plugin useful …
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Define Classipress first ad image as Facebook image
While setting up a WordPress / Classipress website I needed to insert the correct Open Graph tag so that when a specific ad was shared on Facebook, the correct image would be picked up. This works for both an Classipress Ad or a “normal” blog post, using the first image for the og:image tag. In …
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