
Ofereci um iPod Nano à “maria” este Natal.
Instalei o software que vinha com o ipod e cheguei à conclusão que, apesar de algumas funcionalidades interessantes, o iTunes, no que diz respeito à passagem de músicas para o iPod é assim “uma beca pró merdoso”… e nem dá para transferir no sentido iPod->PC o que é francamente “iztúpido”!

Googlei uma beca e encontrei o SharePod.

É impecável!!


* Copy songs and playlists from your iPod to your PC
* Copy songs from a PC to your iPod – you don’t need iTunes to add music to your iPod anymore!
* Completely customizable organization of copied files – choose your own folder and filename structure
* Integration with iTunes – once you have copied music to your PC, easily add it to your iTunes library
* Built-in Media Player
* Search by Title, Artist, Album, Genre (or any combination)
* Create Winamp-style playlists from the music on your iPod so you can listen to it without needing to copy the mp3 files to your computer.
* iPod Network File Sharing – If you are on a network, (e.g. at work/university) and you enable the feature, other users can run your copy of SharePod from their own computers, and download music directly from your iPod!
* No messy install/uninstall process – SharePod is just a couple of files

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